The Call / The Invitation
May, 2020
Transformative Language Arts Network
Interview with David Kopacz & Suzanne Richman
Becoming a True Human Being
May, 2020
Future Primitive (Listen at Future Primitive)
An Interview with David Kopacz
May, 2020
Transformative Language Arts Network
Interview with David Kopacz & Suzanne Richman
The Call/The Invitation: *What happens if we did something better? *Better than return to what was before COVID 19? *What if we slowed the rush to return? Seattle psychiatrist David Kopacz and Vermont educator/community activist Suzanne Richman extend an invitation to us all. It is not a passive request.
David and Suzanne do some wrestling for us in this episode: The push to 'return to normal' after a stretch of chaos. *What could we miss as a people, a nation, a world? *What questions could we be asking of ourselves right now, and one another?
David and Suzanne continue their moving discussion around 'doing better than rushing to return to normal' after things shift once again with COVID 19. This episode dwells in the land of opportunity: What could things look like for us as a people, a world, an environment should we thoughtfully, purposefully move with the new things ushered in despite the chaos vs desperately trying to 'get back' to what was once upon a time---back then?
May, 2020
Future Primitive (Listen at Future Primitive)
An Interview with David Kopacz